Sputnik Top 10: How To Build A Pitch Deck
Tips on building your pitch deck from our accelerator, Guy Kawasaki’s three rules for decks+ the pitch perfect holiday gift for your favorite startup
A pitch deck can make or break you and your startup’s ability to get funding, but making a good pitch deck is easier than you might think. Two things you have to remember are that you are telling a story and you have to keep it as simple and visual as possible.
If you still do not have a completed product, you can read more about how to develop one effectively here. Go ahead I’ll wait; good product development will help you in developing your deck. Now, follow these steps on how to design each of your slides and you will be well on your way to telling a great story.
At the end of this article, you’ll find more resources for building great decks as well as a Cards-Against-Humanity-esque pitch deck game.